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Project Hosting for Open Source Software. Let your voice be heard. You can create projects to share with the world, collaborate with others on their projects, and download open source software. Request features, log bugs. Python Tools for Visual Studio. Virtual Router - Wifi Hot Spot for Wi. Within the last 7 days.
Game Programming for Xbox 360, PC Windows Phone. Will there be an XNA Game Studio 4. I just got back from the SIEGE. Actually, the conference is still going strong, and the first official day of the conference is today, Friday, October 5, 2012. However, SIEGE put on a Windows 8 Hackathon.
Mot de passe oublié? Présidentielles 2012, pas de surprise! Blogs Sa Pa Zafèw. Présidentielles 2012, pas de surprise! Une victoire en toute logique qui met fin à une campagne présidentielle sans suspense. Le peuple a fait preuve de bon sens en marquant son désir de nouveauté par un vote responsable. On l attendait impatiemment, le voici enfin! .
Un blog che parla di tecnologia, scienze, libri e altro, soprattutto fantascienza. Le stranezze dello sconosciuto aumentano quando que.